
The aim of the Provincial Governance Strengthening Programme (PGSP) is to strengthen the institutional capacities of pro­vincial governments in order to facilitate effective and efficient service delivery.

The Programme is implemented through the Ministry of Provincial Gov­ernment and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) and contributes to institutional strengthening of the MPGIS and Provincial Governments through a number of capacity development initiatives.

Through the programme’s focus areas, the PGSP contributes to institutional strengthening by building the capacities of Provincial Governments in the area of Public Expenditure Management (PEM) and Financial Management.

The PGSP also has a training component that is geared towards developing the capacity of MPGIS and Provincial Governments staff in carrying out their duties more effectively and in a more efficient manner.

Apart from these focus areas the PGSP also contributes, through its PCDF Projects, to the funding of institutional infrastructure that provide Provincial Governments with the capacity to carry out their functions and services at the provincial level.