The overall goal of the Executive Management Division is to align to the Vision of the Ministry. The Executive Division comprises of the Permanent Secretary who is the administrative head, the Undersecre­taries and Directors who are the Head of Divisions. This together makes up the Executive Management Team which is responsible for Policy matters and decision making on overall strategic issues. The Executive Manage­ment under its jurisdiction pursuant to pdf Provincial Government Act 1997 (369 KB) takes charge of the legislative and policy matters influencing the work of the ministry.

As appropriate the Executive may play an advisory role to the National Government, through its Minister, on policy and legislative matters for higher political executive considerations. Other key operational issues overseen by the Division includes ministry budget, programmes, implementation, human resources, inter­nal coordination and overall management of the Ministry programmes towards its strategic goals and objec­tives. In this context, the Executive holds the bird’s eye in the overall supervision of the whole ministry func­tions and ensures its work are in line with its mandated policy priorities, plans and approved budget.

Audit Division

The Audit Division is supervised by the Executive Management Division and aims to promote quality financial management and effective internal control systems at the Ministry and provincial levels.